Music Program

Our music program is created on the basis of marketing psychology and can be tailored to your needs. For example, faster music in the morning will motivate your staff/employees and put them into a productive mood. Once the shop opens, the music slows down and puts the customers into a mood where they can be calmly focus on their shopping. Just before the stores close, faster music encourages the lingering customers to purchase.

The music program consisits of several musical channels of foreign and Czech Music sorted by style, tempo and athmosphere and can be adapted to your specific needs and wishes. We continuously carry out local surveys of purchasing behavior in connection with music and in-store advertising, giving us the possibility to continually improve the selection of music. The selection of music is created by experts with years of experience in radio production.

The standard music format consists of songs written by writers and artists represented by collective rights societies (such as ASCAP, PRS, BMI, SOCAN, OSA, INTERGRAM, SLOVGRAM, SOZA, OZIS...). For its use fees for public performances must be paid to these companies. We can arrange and deal with these charges instead of you.

Another option is to use one of our licensed services (i.e. Royalty Free License). The music program then consists of songs written by artists who are not represented by trade right companies and thus eliminates the obligation to pay fees for public performances. In practice, this option means saving up to 70-percent of the cost of running music in your business area.

Contact us and we will help you choose the best music program to suit your needs and budget!