Service is provided round the clock (24/7). Throughout the day, our technicians are ready to answer the helpline to solve any problems immediately after the announcement. In the case of equipment failure a service technician comes to the location to solve the problem - by repairing or replacing the radiobox by a new one. Any faults that we have encountered so far have been solved within a few hours. It should be noted that in many cases the problem was caused by a defect through improper handling (e.g. unplugging the radiobox from the electrical circuit or data network).
Audio system maintenance
At the same time, we are able to take care of the maintenance of your audio device (it sometimes happens that the radiobox broadcasts, but the amplifier does not work), or, according to the type of equipment, set the volume for different zones of the sales area and tweak the existing audio system to play the music at the same intensity at all the sales areas.